Restoration Management Plans

The Tiromoana Bush Restoration Management Plan, originally written in 2004, is regularly updated. The latest Plan can be downloaded here.
Previous versions of the Restoration Plan are also available to be downloaded here:

Annual Summary Reports and Work Plans

Annual Summary Reports documenting activities undertaken and progress achieved are here:

Bird Monitoring Reports

Regular monitoring of bird populations indicates the restoration of Tiromoana Bush is providing a suitable habitat for greater numbers and species of birds.

Species List

A list of indigenous vascular plant species growing in Tiromoana Bush was compiled in 2006.


There are 13 photo-points in Tiromoana Bush. The photo-points have been re-photographed annually in late December/early January each year. After 15 years of restoration planting, fencing and predator control it is possible to see some of the major changes taking place. This report shows images taken at the photo-points in 2004, 2005 and 2007 compared to 2023.