Community focused

Transwaste places high priority on community engagement. Before the Landfill opened consultation commenced with Tangata Whenua and local residents and continues to this day. In addition to formal engagement activities, Transwaste welcomes schools, educational institutions, community groups and organisations to visit the Landfill to experience for themselves how a modern highly engineered landfill operates, and learn more about how waste is safely managed in Canterbury. Transwaste is also giving back to the local community through the Kate Valley Landfill Community Trust, which supports charitable and community activities.

Community Liaison Group

The Kate Valley Community Liaison Group (the Group) was set up to enable regular and effective communication between residents in the Waipara-Omihi area, adjoining landowners and Transwaste. The Group consists of three representatives of property owners in the Waipara-Omihi area, two representatives of property owners along Mt Cass Road and one representative from Transwaste. The Group meets on a quarterly basis to discuss any community or cultural concerns relating to the Landfill, and receives updates on the development and operation of the Landfill, including monitoring reports on issues such as Landfill noise and odours.

Charitable Trust

In 2005 the Kate Valley Landfill Community Trust (the Trust) was set up to fund charitable and community activities in the local community. The Trust board consists of two people appointed by Transwaste, one elected from Amberley and three elected from Waipara. Transwaste makes annual contributions to the Trust based on the volumes of waste sent to the Landfill each year. Since 2005 the Trust has allocated over $1.5 million to groups and projects in the Amberley – Waipara area.